
Happy Vernal Equinox!  Spring officially starts today, although we’ve had some of the first wintery weather around here, with rain, hail and a dip of the mercury.  Equinoxes are a specific moment in time (2 per year) when the center of the sun passes directly over the equator.  The sun is neither tilted towards or away from the earth. It is commonly believed that the day and night are of equal length on the equinox, however day time is actually about 14 minutes longer depending on your latitude. I learned all these nerdy facts here.

Also, today my husband is releasing an album of new music for bass ensemble here.  It’s “name your own price”.  Check it out!

Well, back to me… I don’t feel very equanimious on this equinox.  I’m going through a lot of changes as a newly minted mother of two, and also thinking ahead towards a career change.  I’m starting to practice Medical Qigong (give treatments), and planning to go to acupuncture school in a year or two.  All this thinking and planning ahead is leaving me reeling a bit!  I need to sink my roots into the earth and stabilize.  Enjoy the moment, and truely be present to my family and how we are right now.

About kathysyear

Happily married mother of 2 young girls. A SAHM for the moment. Medical Qigong Practitioner, mandolin player... Aspiring energetic and spiritual warrior for the planet!
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1 Response to Spring

  1. gingerlemongirl says:

    Kathy — Can you please email me! You won the copy of ‘Eat Like a Dinosaur” — looking forward to sending it to you!! 🙂 gingerlemongirl at gmail dot com

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